Sunday, 16 October 2011

Bloggers Challenge #4 Reflection of me

1. Describe in 25 words or less (why is it always 25 words) the you that you were before 12wbt.
Easy to say now, but I was lost. I knew the facts of losing weight, of setting goals, and how to go about them. I just didn't think I deserved to get there.

2. Now - who are you now??
Darn straight, don't mess with me, I know what I'm doing, and how I'm going to get there. And along the way, I will find new challenges and get over them without being kicked sideways.

3. What has the hardest been the hardest thing to make habit THIS ROUND?
Consistency, and telling myself that I'm not fat anymore. I'm doing this. I have changed.

4. What has been easier to make habit than you thought it would be?
Ditching the artificial sweetners and processed crap food. Why didn't I do this a long, long time ago!

5. How has your body changed THIS ROUND?
I can feel my muscles, so either less fat, or just better muscle tone.

6. How has your mindset changed this round?
I've realised that I can do this, it's only me who's my worst enemy. And that's a pathetic excuse if I can't get around that one.

7. Finish this sentence "I now know I am strong because ..." I won't take shit from anyone.

8. Finish this sentence "I am proudest of ...." willingness to give up the control of food.

9. Finish this sentence "In 8 more weeks you will see me ...." in Sydney, in a short dress!

10. What word applies to you now - that you never would have used before 12wbt? Healthy. (well I would have used it, but seriously underestimated what it really meant).

Bloggers Challenge #3 - Find the Joy

My sources of JOY:
  • Snow Patrols (or was it Reindeer Section?) song 'You are My Joy' comes straight to mind. I love this song, and it really does bring me joy.
  • A big well deserved, un-interupted sleep-in (and unfortunately this usually happens on a Saturday).
  • A warm bed on a cold night.
  • The warmth of sunshine on a cool day.
  • A breeze of fesh air on a hot stinky summers night.
  • The giggle of a baby without a care in the world.
  • People watching whilst sipping a good coffee.
  • Losing myself in a good novel.
  • The smell of a new born baby.
  • The smile on my dogs faces first thing in the morning, and when I get home from work.
  • The feeling of my efforts being appreciated.
  • Falling asleep quickly, knowing that I've had a productive day.

Pictures can say a million words ... and a million emotions

So it would seem I've been very good at avoiding the camera for the last year! Week 5's surprise task was to make a montage of my journey thus far. So here it is ...

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Commit to conqeur update (week 4) ... fessing up

2). I commit to being binge free for the 12 weeks of Round 3, 2011. If I do lose my mind and go down the binge-cycle path I will make a donation $50 to World Visions Smiles Program :-) that's a piglet. So fitting! One sow can produce up to 20 babies per year, as well as plenty of natural fertiliser for food gardens. World Vision's Smiles Program: $50 Piglet
  • Fail! I'll be holding myself to my word and donating $50 (next pay). Unfortuantely hormones got the better of me before I realised what was going on. God darn it when will I learn!

Week 4 update on my goals

My actions and mindset goals:

  1. Be true to myself and fellow 12WBT'ers. No cheating.
    • 2 fails so far, but definately an improvement.
  2. Eat clean and where there's an option choose organic local produce. Next to no processed foods, especially diet foods full of artificial crap.
    • Passing with flying colours. I've really cut back on processed foods (just the occasional BodyWise bar, vita-weat 9 grains, and a little chocolate on Saturdays, oh and a couple of chocolate paddle-pops). Raw fruit and veg, and yoghurt are now my normal snacks. To date 0 Pepsi-max, 0 artifically sweetened anything!
  3. Exercise, exercise, exercise. This is the fun and easy part!
    • Pass! Yep, easy. Had a week 'off' whilst away from work but worked long physically active days outdoors (and managed to loose weight that week). This week (Monday's public holiday) I missed my first Bootcamp session that wasnt explained by being away or sick. I bloody well slept through my alarm.
  4. Continue to exercise when I'm busy, overworked, tired and grumpy. No excuses, work does not come first.
    • Pass! So far so good.
My measurable goals:

  1. Drop 4 kgs during the 12 weeks, getting me nicely within the healthy BMI weight range.
    • 2.2 kg to go as of Wednesday Week 4. So far I've been up and down like a yoyo - a few hundred on, a few hundred off.
  2. Loose centimetres off those thighs and hips. Tone up and get those muscles showing.
    • I'll do the measurements by the end of this week. I haven't really noticed much change ... except for my boobs. Yes that's right, my 12 b-cups are now a bit too saggy. Bloody well hope 10b is the answer (grr if it means an a, holy shit!)
  3. Improve fitness tests. 12WBT: all advanced category and at least 1 minute off the 1 km run by the end of the round. Bootcamp benchmarks: 1 minute off benchmark 1, and 30 seconds off benchmark 2. Cobbler Creek trail run: 5 minutes off (without the dogs).
    • On track. The Bootcamp benchmarks are going to be difficult though as I'm not able to do it in November (will be away too much), which only leaves for a big improvement come December.
  4. Smash the skipping rope challenge (1000+ skips per week, increasing over the weeks, and challenging the skill level required).
    • Fail. Have some serious catching up to do.
  5. Complete the 12 km of City to Bay running as much of it as I can.
    • Smashed it. 67 minutes. Ran most of the way except 4 of 5 brief walking periods to blow my nose (I had a cold, poor me) and re-organise my tissue supply etc. I was really happy with my time, and how I felt, if only I pushed harder!!! Definately wasn't sore or too buggered after, and now I'm just disappointed the re-match (yes, with myself) is another year away.
  6. At least four 1000+ calorie Super Saturday Sessions! Acknowledging there are supposed to be 12.
    • Haven't cracked it yet. Last Saturdays (week 3) 8 km run around the Torrens was the closest with a bit over 700 cals.
  7. Complete some long-distance (20+ km) walks. This will be a good lead up to next years goals!
    • Not yet, but the 18 km Trailblazer is this coming Saturday.
  8. Finish the Westpac building stair-run.
    • Next (week 5) Friday! And I'm not feeling at all prepared.