Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Bloggers Challenge #2 What is health?

So the question for discussion is 'What is health?'

I've never thought about my own definition of health before. So here's what it isn't. To me 'health' doesn't drum up pictures of fit, strong, lean people at all. This seems a bit odd at first, but on second thoughts, it does seem completely okay.  

For me being healthy is having your body function as it should (without any stress brought on by excessive body fat), organs that do their job properly and effectively, skin that's clear, hair that's shiny, and eyes that are clear and bright. On top of this is the ability of the body to fend off cold's, the flu, tummy bugs, infections and the like. And in most circumstances you can get all this from a good balanced diet packed full of essential nutrients your body needs, and enough rest.

Having your head in the right space is also a factor of being healthy, and vice versa. Can you have your head in the right space if the rest of your body isn't healthy? But I'm hoping that will be another topic for discussion.

I'll also add ... you can still have a butt and be 'healthy'! You dont have to have the resting heart rate of a marathon runner to be healthy, you don't have to have low body fat to be healthy, and you certainly don't have to have the guns of a weight lifter (or someone doing 12WBT Lean and Strong!) to be considered healthy.

If you haven't got your health, then you haven't got anything.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Commit to Conquer promise

Following the Commit to Conquer Promise (see From F**ked to Fab)

My Commit to Conquer Promise: 

1). I commit to being (sweet) biscuit free for the 12 weeks of Round 3, 2011. If I do weaken and go back on my word I will make a donation of $10 for every biscuit I scoff to World Vision's Smiles Program :-) that's a chicken and chicken feed to help a family produce nutritious eggs, manure for vegie gardens and offspring to sell for extra income. World Vision's Smiles Program: $10 Chicken and feed. 

2). I commit to being binge free for the 12 weeks of Round 3, 2011. If I do lose my mind and go down the binge-cycle path I will make a donation $50 to World Visions Smiles Program :-) that's a piglet. So fitting! One sow can produce up to 20 babies per year, as well as plenty of natural fertiliser for food gardens. World Vision's Smiles Program: $50 Piglet

Bloggers Challenge #1

1). Describe yourself in 25 words or less. You can get straight to the point - or bring your creativity into play.
33 year old no longer happy just to wait for things to happen.

2). What brings you to 12wbt? Getting fitter? Losing weight? (Gaining weight??) Are you first timer, a repeat offender??
Losing a bit of weight via a healthy lifestyle, my fitness being challenged, and the lovely friendships and support by all involved. I'm a second timer (round 2, 2011 was my first), and already looking forward to 2012!

3). Why do you blog??
The accountability. I'm the kind of person who needs to write things down to make them real.

4). Who is your biggest inspiration in life and why (doesn't have to be weight loss).
My Mum, because she's no longer here to make the most of her's.

5). What things in life bring you the most joy?
Fun and laughter with friends and family. The simple things really. Sunshine on a winters day, good coffee, great days that never seem to end, productive days when important things get done, getting out in nature and being away from the hustle and bustle.

6). What do you think your greatest challenge is going to be this round?
Being away from a normal routine. I'll be away for work on 4 or 5 occasions lasting 7 - 12 days, and including mine camps with copious buffets tempting me at the end of a long 12 hour day of physical work.

7). What are you most excited about 12wbt?
Reaching my goals and knowing I gave it my absolute best. Party time.

8). And what scares the pants off you?
Failing and not ful-filling my goals because I didn't give it my best.

9). Tell me - right now - today - how do you feel about exercise in no more than 10 words.
Couldn't get through the day without it.

10). Complete this sentence - in 12 weeks time - on the last day of 12wbt I am going to be feeling accomplished and well and truly on the path to a healthy lifestyle.

Week 1, Day 1

Well we've started. Day 1 started okay, up at 4:40am for Bootcamp, ate clean, and crashed and burnt around 5 pm with a cold. Bloody fantastic! However, calories were under, and exercise was just under the 500 goal. Now to concentrate on getting better quickly.

Saturday, 10 September 2011

What I need to remind myself so I can succeed and make this an enjoyable experience

  1. I am my biggest enemy, judge and jury, and really need to take it more easy on myself.
  2. I go a little mental in the head if I don't eat often enough (repeat things over and over in my head, tense, agitated, swear like a sailor). Plan to eat small meals more often, but don't graze all day.
  3. If I feel like I'm being deprived of something, I'll become totally focused on it. Learn that deprivation isn't a bad thing, and it's not because I'm not allowed to be in control of my own decisions, just that I can't portion control some things, and it's best just to avoid them altogether!
  4. Trust the program. Make these 12 weeks easier by giving up the control, it's not loosing control, it's just leaving it in someone else's hands. Don't be so fricken independent.