So the question for discussion is 'What is health?'
I've never thought about my own definition of health before. So here's what it isn't. To me 'health' doesn't drum up pictures of fit, strong, lean people at all. This seems a bit odd at first, but on second thoughts, it does seem completely okay.
For me being healthy is having your body function as it should (without any stress brought on by excessive body fat), organs that do their job properly and effectively, skin that's clear, hair that's shiny, and eyes that are clear and bright. On top of this is the ability of the body to fend off cold's, the flu, tummy bugs, infections and the like. And in most circumstances you can get all this from a good balanced diet packed full of essential nutrients your body needs, and enough rest.
Having your head in the right space is also a factor of being healthy, and vice versa. Can you have your head in the right space if the rest of your body isn't healthy? But I'm hoping that will be another topic for discussion.
I'll also add ... you can still have a butt and be 'healthy'! You dont have to have the resting heart rate of a marathon runner to be healthy, you don't have to have low body fat to be healthy, and you certainly don't have to have the guns of a weight lifter (or someone doing 12WBT Lean and Strong!) to be considered healthy.
If you haven't got your health, then you haven't got anything.
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