Saturday 10 September 2011

What I need to remind myself so I can succeed and make this an enjoyable experience

  1. I am my biggest enemy, judge and jury, and really need to take it more easy on myself.
  2. I go a little mental in the head if I don't eat often enough (repeat things over and over in my head, tense, agitated, swear like a sailor). Plan to eat small meals more often, but don't graze all day.
  3. If I feel like I'm being deprived of something, I'll become totally focused on it. Learn that deprivation isn't a bad thing, and it's not because I'm not allowed to be in control of my own decisions, just that I can't portion control some things, and it's best just to avoid them altogether!
  4. Trust the program. Make these 12 weeks easier by giving up the control, it's not loosing control, it's just leaving it in someone else's hands. Don't be so fricken independent.

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